
Book Review: Extreme Ownership

Extreme Ownership In this book, the notions of conventional leadership are challenged by the experiences of Navy Seal operators and their efforts in Ramadi. In particular, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin establish a dialogue to translate the lessons that they've learned on the battlefield to business. It would serve no purpose for me to summarily describe all the different aspects of leadership showcased in this book. Instead, I wanted to focus this article on some ideas that I've grown to appreciate about the software development industry and how in a world of changing technology, requirements, personal, and market volatility some of the most potent tools at our disposal are those that we've learned from the military. As a small example from  Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time , the author showcases how their training taught them to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act in order to safely navigate the perils of their mission. Within the context

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